
Set of cardigan and top with a wavy pattern

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34/36 (38/40) 42/44 

Yarn (93% cotton, 7% polyamide; 100 m / 50 g) - for cardigan 350 (400) 450 g pink and 100 (150) 150 g each for gray and apricot; for the top 150 (200) 200 g apricot, 50 (100) 100 g pink and 50 g sulfur; Spokes number 5,5; long and short circular needles No. 5,5. 


Face and back rows - face loops. 

Facial rows - facial hinges, purl rows - purl loops. 

Openwork GUM 
Number of loops is a multiple of 9 = knit acc. diagram 1. It is given the front row. In the purl ranks all the loops and nakida knit purl. Constantly repeat rapport and 1st + 2nd rows. 

On 10 rows of pink, gray, apricot thread, from * constantly repeat. 

The number of loops is a multiple of 15 = knit acc. Scheme 2. It shows the front rows. In the purl ranks all the loops and nakida knit purl or according. instructions. Distribute hinges acc. instructions. Constantly repeat 1st to 18th rows. 

When performing subtractions and increments, make sure that the number of nakidov and knit stitches together within the pattern match. 

18 rows pink, 
* 4 rows gray, 
14 rows pink, 
4 rows apricot, 
14 rows pink thread, 
from * constantly repeat. 

* 4 rows of pink, 
14 rows of apricot, 
4 rows of gray, 
14 rows of apricot thread, 
from * constantly repeat.

At the beginning of the row = edge, 2 knit the loop with the slope to the left (1 loop to remove, as the front one, 1 front, then pull it through the removed loop); at the end of the row = 2 loops knit together the front, edge. 

5 р. = 2 cm, connected garter viscous; 
18 p. X 20 p. = 10 x 10 cm, connected by an elastic band; 
16 p. X 25 p. = 10 x 10 cm, connected by a wavy pattern and the front surface. 

Due to the different density of knitting, the width increases after changing the pattern. On the pattern this is depicted as a short bevel. 

Pattern The 
set of cardigan and top with a wavy pattern 


With pink thread, dial the needles 76 (85) 94 loops and tie 2 cm = 5 rows of garter stitch for the strap, starting from 1 purse row. 

Continue work as follows acc. the sequence of bands: edge, 1 p. front satin stitch, 72 (81) 90 p. openwork elastic, 1 p. front stitch, edging. 

After 48 cm = 96 rows from the plate continue the work with a wavy pattern acc. the sequence of strips A, while in the 1st row to balance the pattern add 1 (0) 0 p. = 77 (85) 94 p. 

In the 7 th row of the scheme, distribute the loops as follows: edge, 0 (4) 1 p front smooth surface, 75 (75) 90 points of a wavy pattern = 5 (5) 6 rapports, 0 (4) 1 point of front smooth surface, edging.

Next, constantly perform the 1-6th rows of the pattern on all the loops, distribute the 7-18th rows of the pattern so that the hems of delays are located above the hems of the previous rapport in height. 

At the same time, after 9 cm = 22 rows from the change of the pattern, close for raglan bevel on both sides 1 x 3 points, then underscore in each 2nd row 23 (26) 29 x 1 points. 

After 28 cm = 70 rows (30, 5 cm = 76 rows) 33 cm = 82 rows from the pattern change close for the neck the remaining 25 (27) 30 p. 

LEFT SHELF Use pink 
thread to put 40 (44) 49 loops on the needles and tie 2 cm for the strap, at the same time start with 1 purl row.

Continue work as follows acc. the sequence of strips: edge, 1 p. front satin stitch, 36 (40) 45 p. openwork elastic, while for the 2nd size finish the first 4 p. rapport, 1 p. front smooth, edging. 

After 40 cm = 80 rows from the strip, underline for the bevel of the neck along the left edge 1 x 1 p., Then underlined underlined alternately in each 4th and 6th row 15 (16) 17 x 1 p. 

Simultaneously 48 cm = 96 rows, i.e. after the 4th tide for the neckline, continue to work with a wavy pattern according to sequences of colors A, while doing the 1-6th rows on all loops. After 6 rows from the change of the pattern on the spokes, 35 (39) 44 p.

In the 7th row of the loop pattern, distribute the loops as follows: edge, 0 (4) 1 n. Of the front smooth surface, 30 (30) 37 n. Of the wavy pattern, while for the 3rd size finish the first 7 n. Of the rapport, 3 (3 ) 4 p. Facial smoothing, edge. 

At the same time, for a shorter raglan bevel, close it at the height of the backrest along the right edge of 1 x 3 p., Then underscore it in each 2nd row by 19 (22) 25 x 1 p. 

Through 24.5 cm = 62 rows (27 cm = 68 rows) 29.5 cm = 74 rows from the change of pattern, knit the remaining 2 (2) 3 loops together with the front one and stretch the thread through the last loop. 

Knit the same as the left shelf, but in a mirror image. 

Use pink threads to put 40 needles (49) 49 loops on the needles and tie 2 cm = 5 rows of garter stitch for the plank, starting with 1 purse row. 

Continue work as follows acc. the sequence of bands: edge, 1 (3) 1 p. front smooth, 36 (36) 45 p. openwork elastic band, 1 (3) 1 p. front smooth, edge edging. 

At the same time, add to the bevel the sleeves on both sides in each 16th row from the slat 2 x 1 p. According to the color of the thread on the front satin = 44 (48) 53 p. 

After 18 cm = 36 rows from the slat to continue the work with a wavy pattern acc. the sequence of bands A, while in the 1st row add in the middle 1 (1) 0 item = 45 (49) 53 item

To further bevel the sleeves, add on both sides in the 5th row from the change of pattern 1 p. = 47 (51) 55 p., Then add 3 x 1 p. In each 16th row (in every 12th row 4 x 1 p.) in each 10th row 5 x 1 p. acc. thread color and knit facial smoothing. 

At the same time, in the 7th row of the scheme, distribute the loops as follows: start with 1 edge and 0 (2) 4 points of the front surface, then knit 45 points with a wavy pattern, finish 0 (2) 4 points of the front surface and edge. 

Then constantly perform the 1-6th rows of the pattern on all the loops, in every 7—18th rows of the pattern perform pattern 4 on the middle 45 points, the rest of the loops on both sides knit with the facial surface. After the last increase the number of loops will reach 53 (59) 65 p.

After 23.5 cm = 58 rows from the change of the pattern, close for raglan bevel on both sides 1 x 3 n., Then right-handedly underscore decrease in each 4th row 2 x 1 n. And in every 2nd row 19 ( 22) 25 x 1 p., On the left edge, underlined, underscore 2 x 1 p. In every 4th row and 15 (18) 21 x 1 p. 

In every 2nd row. Through 39 cm = 98 rows (41.5 cm = 104 rows) 44 cm = 110 rows from the pattern change close for the neck on the left edge 1 x 3 paragraph, then in each 2nd row close 1 x 2 paragraph and 2 x 1 paragraph. 

After 42.5 cm = 106 rows (45 cm = 112 rows) 47.5 cm = 118 rows from the pattern change close the remaining 2 points, they belong to the neck. 

Knit the same as the left sleeve, but in a mirror image. 

Run raglan seams as well as side seams and sleeve seams.

With pink thread, dial on circular needles along the edges of the front + front bevels 105 (110) 115 loops, dial 45 (47) 49 loops on the edge of the neck and tie 2 cm = 5 rows of garter stitch at all 255 (267) 279 loops, This start with 1 purl row. Then close all the loops as facial. 

Pink thread to collect 62 (70) 77 loops on the spokes and start to perform the work with a wavy pattern according to color sequence B, while the initial row is considered the 1st row, so start with the 2nd row (= 1 purl row) face. 

Constantly carry out the 1-6th rows of the pattern on all the loops; distribute the loops in the 7th – 18th rows of the pattern as follows: edge, 0 (4) 0, front facial smoothing, 60 (60) 75, para. Wavy pattern, 0 (4) 0 p. Facial smoothing, edging.

After 19 cm = 48 rows from the initial row, for the side bevel on both sides, add 1 x 1 p., Then in each 8th row add 3 x 1 p. Of the front face according to. thread color = 70 (78) 85 p. 

After 30.5 cm = 76 rows from the initial row, close for armholes on both sides 1 x 4 p., then in each 2nd row close 2 x 2 p. and 2 x 1 n. = 50 (58) 65 p. 

Through 45.5 cm = 114 rows (47 cm = 118 rows) 49 cm = 122 rows from the initial row close the neckline averages 30 (32) 33 points and finish both sides separately. 

For rounding along the inner edge, in the next 2 row close 1 x 3 p. 

After 47 cm = 118 rows (49 cm = 122 rows) 50.5 cm = 126 rows from the initial row close the remaining 7 (10) 13 p Shoulders 

Knit like a back, but for a V-shaped neck, after 30.5 cm = 76 rows from the initial row, divide the work in the middle or close the middle loop and finish both sides separately. 

For a bevel on the inner edge *, underscore the decrease in each 2nd row 4 x 1 p., Then in the next 4th row 1 x 1 par., From * repeat 2 more times, then underscore subtract in each 2nd row more 3 x 1 n. And in each 4th row 0 (1) 1 x 1 n. At the height of the backrest, close the remaining 7 (10) 13 n. Of the shoulder. 

Run shoulder and side seams.

For the neckline with a pink thread, dial a short circular knitting needle along the edge of the neck 105 (113) 121 loop, close the work into a ring and tie 1 circular row to the inside, 1 circular row to the front and 1 circular row to the inside, to give shape in the 1st and knit 2 loops together with a purl in the 3rd circular row before and after the middle loop of the front. After 1.5 cm = 3 circular rows from the start of knitting the bake, close the remaining 101 (109) 117 points, as facial ones. 

For the armhole slats, dial with pink thread on short circular needles along the edge of each armhole with 68 (74) 80 loops and knit the slats in the same way, but without decrease.

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