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Dimensions (European): 36-40 (42-46 in)
Dimensions (Russian): 42-46 (48-52 in)
You will need: 550 (600) G red-brown melange (v. 75) and Dark gray melange (v. 14) Yarn Lana Grossa ROYAL TWEED (100% wool, 100 m/50 g); Straight Spokes № 9 and № 10; Circular Spokes № 9 length 80 cm; 5 buttons with a diameter of 28 mm.
Knitting technique.
Elastic band: Alternately knit 2 persons., 2 H.
Structural pattern: knit by scheme. The numbers on the right represent faces. P., left-Izn R. The width of the series start with loops before the 1st arrow, Knit Raport = 4 p. Between the arrows, finishing loops after the 2nd arrow. In height to repeat the 1st-8th p.
Attention! All the details are knit thread in 2 addition (1 thread each color).
The density of knitting, structural pattern spokes № 10 thread in 2 addition: 10 p. and 16 P. = 10 x 10 cm.
Job description
Backrest: Dial 62 (66) p. On the spokes № 10 thread in 2 addition as described above. First, link the P. Persons, then knit structural pattern. After 26 cm = 41 p. From the beginning of work to reduce on both sides for lateral Skosov 2 p. = 58 (62) p. through 51 cm = 81 P. From the beginning of the work to make on both sides of the mark and knit 1st-4th p. Structural pattern. After 7 cm = 12 p. From marks to close on both sides for Armholes 2 p., then in each 2nd p. 3 x 1 P. and in each 4th p. 2 x 1 P. = 44 (48) p. Through 23 (24) cm = 36 (38) p. From the beginning of the armholes to close on both sides for shoulder BEVs 6 (7) p., then in the next 2nd p. Close another 1 x 6 (7) p. In the next row close the remaining 20 p. to cut the neck.
Left Shelf: Dial 30 (32) p. On Spokes № 10 thread in 2 addition. First, link the P. Persons, then knit a structural pattern, the pattern to distribute the right side is similar to the backrest. The side-bevel and armholes on the right side perform at the height of the backrest = 21 (23) p. After 17 (18) cm = 26 (28) p. From the beginning of the armhole to close for cutting the neck on the left side 5 p., then in each 2nd p. 1 x 2 P. and 2 x 1 p. Humerus bevel to perform with the right Side at the height of the backrest. On this all loops are used.
Right shelf: knit symmetrically left shelf (structural pattern is also distributed symmetrically).
Sleeves: Dial 34 p. On Spokes № 9 thread in 2 addition. For the strap to tie 10 cm = 17 p. Gum, start with the P. and N. P. After Chrome, finish the P. Before Chrome. Then put the loops on the spokes № 10 and knit the structural pattern. Add on both sides for Skosov in the 15th (11th) p. From the end of the bar 1 p., then in each 14th (10th) p. 2 (3) x 1 P. = 40 (42) p. Dialed on both sides of the loop knit structural pattern. After 33 cm = 52 p. From the end of the plank to close on both sides for the Okata sleeves 2 p., then in each 2nd p. 1 x 2 P., 9 x 1 P. and 1 x 2 p. In the next row close the remaining 10 (12) p.
Assembly: Perform seams. On circular spokes a thread in 2 additions to dial on edge of cut of a neck 60 p. For a collar to knit an elastic band, since the P. and 2 After Krom., finishing 2. Before Chrome. After 28 cm from the beginning of the collar is free to close loops on the figure. On vertical edges of shelves, including half of narrow sides of a collar, to dial on 92, 50 p. For laths to knit a rubber band, since the. P. and 2 After Chrome. and ending with 2. Before Chrome. After 2 cm from the beginning of the right shelf, execute 5 holes for buttons. For each hole close 2 p. and again dial them in the next row. The top hole is positioned at the beginning of the collar, the remaining 4 holes at a distance of 10 cm from each other. After 4 cm from the beginning of the laths close loops on the figure. Turn the collar in half and sew it to the slats and cut the neck. Let's get the sleeves. Sew the buttons.