
Cardigan Free Pattern

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Size: 36/38 (40/42 in) 44/46
Materials: 350 (400) 450 g beige yarn Melange (75% Polyacryl, 25% fleece, 162 m/50 g); Straight and circular spokes № 4.5; Four buttons. 
Persons. Surface: Persons. P. – Persons. P., N. P.-N. P.
Braid Pattern: Number of Loops multiple 28 + 15 + 2 chrome. Knit on Circuits 1 and 2, which are all persons. And some of the R., in unmarked. P. All loops knit on the figure, scum knit faces. All loop distributions follow the instructions. Instead of the cruciform nabornomu edge of the isn. P. Link after the set of loops of the 1st. P. A, then repeat from the 1st to the 24th p.
Special Decrease: At the beginning of the R. Krom., 16 persons., 1 stretch (= Remove 1 p. as persons., 1 persons. And stretch it through the removed p.), at the end of the p. Knit to 18 p. Before Chrome, then Projazat 2 p. Together persons., 16 persons., Chrome.
"Rope" pattern: knit with double thread. 1st p. (= N. R.): Chrome, 1 persons., * Remove 1 p. As the N., thread at work, 1 persons., repeat from *, Chrome. 2nd R.: Chrome, remove 1 p. As a., thread before work, * 1 N., remove 1 p. As a., thread before work, repeat from *, Chrome.

Knitted jacket knitting pattern and pattern
Density of knitting: persons. Surface: 18 p. and 25 p. = 10 x 10 cm; Pattern of braid (measured in slightly stretched state): 15 P. + 1 Chrome. = 6 cm or respectively 43 p. + 2 chrome. = 16 cm.
Backrest: Cross dial 86 (94) 102 p. and knit faces. Surface. For the pritalisation, reduce the special decrease from the inlaid edge on both sides in each 8th p. 7 x 1 P. = 72 (80) 88 p. After 25 cm = 62 R. (26.5 cm = 66 R.) 28 cm = 70 p. From the inlaid edge add special additions to the bevel on both sides 1 p. and in each 6th P. 6 x 1 P. = 86 (94) 102 p. through 41.5 cm = 104 p.  (43 cm = 108 R.) 44.5 cm = 112 p. From the inlaid edge close for the bevel of the Reglan on both sides 3 p. And then reduce in each 2nd P. 20 (24) 28 x 1 P. as follows: At the beginning of the P. Krom., 1 stretch, at the end of the P. Projazat 2 P. Together persons. Chrome. At the same time through 56 cm = 140 R. (61 cm = 152 R.) 65.5 cm = 164 R. From the inlaid edge close to the neck cut average 26 p. and both sides to finish separately. For rounding close from the inner edge in each 2nd P. 2 x 2 p. through 58.5 cm = 146 R. (63.5 cm = 158 R.) 68 cm = 170 p. From the inlaid edge of the remaining 3 p. Together persons. and stretch the working thread through the last p.
Left shelf: cross-shaped set to dial 44 (48) 52 p. and tie the related to it. P. As follows: Chrome, 15 p. of a pattern from a braid on the scheme 1 (A-r. A to Arrows a), 27 (31) 35 of a. M., Chrome. (This number is not taken into account by the future account). Then knit as follows: Crom., 27 (31) 35 p. Persons. Ironing, for a lath of 15 p. of a pattern from a braid (= Last 15 p. of scheme 1 from Arrow a), Krom. Run on the right side of the special decrease for the Pritaliya and adding to the bevel as on the back. For the BEVs of the Reglan close at the height of the backrest on the right side 3 p., reduce in each 2nd P. 18 (22) 26 x 1 P. As on the back and then tie another 4 p. Without decrease. At the same time through 49.5 cm = 124 R. (54.5 cm = 136 R.) 59 cm = 148 R. From the inlaid edge close for the neckline on the left side 15 p., in each 2 p. 1 x 2, 1 x 1 P. and in each 4th p. 2 x 1 P. At the height of the backrest, the remaining 3 p. Together persons. and stretch the working thread through the last p.
Right shelf: To knit symmetrically, at the same time after Chrome. Knit 15 p. Strips according to the scheme 2.
Sleeves: The strap is knit across. Arrows on the pattern = direction of knitting. Dial 45 p. and knit a pattern of braid on the scheme 1, while in the R. and start with 1 chrome, repeat once rapport, finish 15 p. To arrow A and chrome. After 30 cm = 74 R. From the inlaid edge all loops close.  On the left edge of the strip of the pattern with the Coconuts Dial 54 (58) 62 p. and knit faces. Surface. For Skosov sleeves to add from a set of loops on both parties 0 (in each 22nd P. 2 х) in each 12th p. 4 x 1 P. of persons. Gladi = 54 (62 in) 70 p. through 26 cm = 66 p. From the strap close for the bevel of the reglane on both sides of the 3 p. and reduce as on the back, then tie another 4 p. Without a decrease. After 43 cm = 108 R. (46.5 cm = 116 R.) 49.5 cm = 124 p. From the plank close the remaining 12 p.
Assembling of knitted jacket: to execute seams of a reglan: on circular spokes to dial on a cut of a neck from an internal party of 157 p. and to knit a pattern from a braid on the scheme 1, thus in Izh. P. A start with 1 krom., repeat 5 times raport, finish 15 p. To arrow A and Crom. The pattern appears on the inner side of the collar. After 21 cm = 52 R. From the inlaid edge of all loops to postpone. Single thread dial on the inside of the collar on the left short side of the 45, add to them deferred 157 p. And on the right short side of the 45 p. For the final edge to tie a double thread on all 247 p. 2 p. Pattern "Rope" and then all loops close Single Thread A single thread to dial the edges of the shelves on the outside of 91 (101) 109 p. and the lower edges of the sleeves to 55 p., tie for the final edge double thread 2 p. Pattern "Rope", then all loops close with a single thread of the. Carry out side seams and seams of sleeves. Stitch the finishing edges. Sew the top button on the edge of the left shelf at the height of the last overlap braid of the strap, the remaining buttons sew lower at intervals of 1 raport. Fasten the buttons through the holes of the perekreshhivanij braid of the right shelf. The collar is to be turned outward.

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